Technical Rider Mike & Zin

On the road: Mike and Zin

The technical information on this page concerns the following shows:
Emperor’s New Clothes / Trench Road / Red Line / Don Quixote.

Touring group:

  • Two (2)  actors (Timo Ruuskanen and Tuukka Vasama)
  • One (1) technician (Usually group’s own technician, Jere Kolehmainen)

Staff requirements at the venue:

  • One (1) stage manager (working hours: aprx one hour for building the set, aprx one hour to take down the set after the show)
  • Two (2) lighting technicians (one operator and one extra. Working hours: the whole performance incl. setting up, performance and unloading the stage.)
  • One (1) sound technician

The exact need for the technical staff in a venue can be determined separately and in accordance to the size of the stage the number of the performances and the characteristics of the venue.


  • Building the set will take around 4-5 hours.
  • In special circumstances the set an be built in 2-3 hours, depending on the technical possibilities of the venue and the number of the staff available.
  • Taking down the set: 1 hour.


  • The group’s own, metallic frame, together with red velvet curtains, will be set up in the back of the stage.
  • The size of the metallic frame: height 230 cm, depth 30 cm, width 400 cm (or for smaller stages 280 cm)
  • Minimum free space on the stage:  6 x 8 m (if necessary, can be done in a smaller space) – preferrably black/dark floor.
  • Set up time: 1 hour.



  • Speech and music (instruments, vocals) are usually amplified, but in a small venue a PA system is not necessarily needed.
  • Sound enhancement for the two actors with lavalier microphones
  • One guitar amplifier (group’s own) and dynamic instrumental microphone.
  • The group has their own microphones, but would like to use the venue’s microphones when possible.

Technical execution during the performance:

  • The group’s own technician prefers to execute both the sound and the lighting, when possible. For this reason, he prefers to have both the mixing table and the light boards next to eachother.

Contact information:

Tuukka Vasama (actor, executive producer; the main contact person, stage set up, timetables)
tel. +358 50 491 5737 / mike(at)

Jere Kolehmainen (Sound – and lighting technician – main contact for technical enquiries)
tel. +44 592 9121 / jere(at)

Timo Ruuskanen (actor)
tel. +358 50 307 6765 / zin(at)

Inka Virtanen (producer – publicity and marketing)
tel. +358 41 706 6323 / info(at)


Updated on 1st of April 2020.
(C) 2020 Red Nose Company –